+64 21 872 058, 0800 274 469

We are provide Commercial Building Wash Services Service

We know managing a commercial property portfolio can be demanding and, at times, quite stressful. That's why our mandate is to make it easy. That means our teams are trained to look after our clients, their tenants, and their buildings with full attention, so things run as smoothly as possible and reputations are maintained.

Commercial cleaning is cleaning that is undertaken by professional cleaners who are hired by our cleaners. For example, hotels, offices, and leisure centres are likely to hire our cleaners to ensure that their buildings are adequately sanitised and clean.

We are working on these 11 Steps towards a Cleaner office.
  1. Clean & sanitise phones & workstations
  2. Clean surfaces, handles and doorknobs
  3. Wipe light switches and door frames
  4. Vacuum or sweep/mop floors
  5. Empty waste and recycling bins, cleaning and disinfecting where necessary
  6. Dusting and wiping computer monitors and keyboards
  7. Spot clean windows, glass and any painted surfaces
  8. Remove cobwebs and dust light fixtures
  9. Cleaning Reception Areas
  10. Cleaning Food Preparation Areas
  11. Clean Meeting Rooms/Communal Areas
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